Dalgona milo. Now, we are here with a new recipe: Milo Dalgona! Minum milo anda jadi sihat dan kuat!. Ok guys,aku baru berjinak dalam dunia vlogger, so this is my personal youtube channel.
Milo Dalgona (Chocolate) Use the same method as dalgona coffee to prepare BUT using little bit different in ing.
How to Make Dalgona Milo (No Coffee) at Home Without Mixer?
Dalgona Coffee, made popular in Tiktok, is also known as Frothy. #dalgonamilo #confirmjadi #antigagal Hi semua, Masa cuti ni ape kata cuba buat dalgona version milo pulak especially yg tak boleh minum coffee.
Anda dapat memasak Dalgona milo menggunakan 6 bahan dan 4 tahap. Inilah cara Anda mencapai itu.
Bahan - Bahan Dalgona milo
- Menyiapkan 2 sdm dari milo bubuk.
- Menyiapkan 2 sdm dari gula pasir.
- Siapkan 2 sdm dari air panas (air es juga boleh).
- Ini 50 ml dari whip cream cair.
- Menyiapkan 200 ml dari susu full cream.
- Ini dari Es cube secukupnya.
I made one and everyone loved it. (If you would like to try it, click here.) But not everyone is a fan of coffee and many loves to share this delicious drink to their kids but of course coffee is not good for them due to high caffeine content. Not everyone likes coffee, so here is a quick recipe using our favourite malt chocolate powder. Nothing screams Malaysia like a cup of Milo! Whip the mixture with a hand whip.
Instruksi Dalgona milo
- Campurkan milo, gula pasir, whip cream, dan air panas dalam wadah yang agak cekung. Kocok dengan menggunakan whisk atau mixer. Aku disini pakai whip cream biar lebih soft, tapi kalau gak pakai juga tidak apa..
- Siapkan gelas, isi dengan es cube dan tuang susu full cream..
- Kemudian tuang dalgona milo di atas susu full cream dan taburi dengan milo bubuk di atasnya..
- Selamat mencoba 😘😊.
Combine all purpose cream and sugar. Of course an obvious alternative for Dalgona Coffee would be Milo, everyone's favourite childhood drink and almost a household essential. It's also a great substitute for hot chocolate which is a little more difficult to make. Dalgona Milo is introduced in social media as well. The ingredient include milo or chocolate powder, egg white or whipping cream, sugar and water.