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Resep: Dalgona Greentea Terlengkap

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Dalgona Greentea. People are absolutely loving dalgona coffee, the latest viral drink that's making rounds on social media. The caffeinated pick-me-up is a 'Gram-worthy concoction that's super easy to make at home. So far we have whipped Dalgona Coffee, keto dalgona coffee, whipped hot chocolate, Whipped Mocha dalgona coffee, whipped strawberry milk and now we have whipped Green tea!

Dalgona Greentea I've seen this made several times online, but matcha doesn't whip quite as coffee does. So to match the texture, it's typically made with egg white to make a fluffy matcha meringue. Dalgona matcha is essentially fluffy matcha milk. Anda dapat memiliki Dalgona Greentea menggunakan 5 bahan dan 4 tahap. Inilah cara Anda memasak itu.

Bahan dari Dalgona Greentea

  1. Ini 1 bungkus dari Allure Greentea.
  2. Ini dari Susu cair full cream ultra milk.
  3. Ini secukupnya dari Es batu.
  4. Ini 1 sendok dari Gula pasir.
  5. Siapkan 2 sendok dari air panas.

It's based off the ever popular dalgona coffee, which uses instant coffee. Instead of coffee, dalgona matcha uses matcha or green tea powder. Dalgona matcha is made by whipping either egg whites or cream with matcha powder and sugar until thick and fluffy. Dalgona coffee) went viral on Instagram, whipped matcha came forward as another trendy alternative.

Instruksi Dalgona Greentea

  1. Tuangkan ke dalam wadah bubuk greentea allur, gula pasir dan air panas.
  2. Kocok bahan tadi sampe mengembang dan bentuk foam gitu.
  3. Tuangkan susu cair ke dalam gelas yg sebelumnya udah diisi es batu juga.
  4. Dalgona Greentea Siap disajikan. Uwuuuuu.

The vibrant beverage requires a fluffy base made of whipped egg. The latest craze during the stay-at-home quarantine is Dalgona Coffee. Dalgona Coffee is a whipped coffee that you make at home with a few simple ingredients. But for those who don't drink coffee, there is a tea version, Dalgona Matcha Latte! This is for those who love everything matcha, green tea powder.