Dalgona Chocolate. Using a stand mix or hand held mixer, whip aquafaba in a medium to large bowl until stiff peaks form. After watching a few more dalgona chocolate videos and reading the comments, I realized my mistake. A few commenters mentioned that using cocoa powder, sugar and hot water will eventually work.
As Florida-based influencer Valentina Mussi demonstrated, the drinks are simple to make and look incredibly delicious.
The mocha dalgona coffee is also a good option for cocoa lovers who want to keep the jolt from the instant coffee.
This take on the Dalgona trend is a caffeine-free, chocolate treat.
Anda dapat memasak Dalgona Chocolate menggunakan 6 bahan dan 4 tahap. Inilah cara Anda mencapai itu.
Bahan dari Dalgona Chocolate
- Siapkan 2 sachet dari susu bubuk.
- Menyiapkan 1 sachet dari milo bubuk.
- Ini 2 sdt dari cocoa powder.
- Siapkan 2 sdt dari gula pasir.
- Anda perlu 3 gelas dari air putih.
- Ini secukupnya dari es batu.
It is made using a similar method to the Dalgona coffee, but with slightly different ingredients. Dalgona Coffee trend has been going around for months now, I too made it and it tasted delicious. When I whipped the instant coffee powder and granulated sugar mixture, it magically turned into light and fluffycreamperfect like a frosting. So I thought why not try making a chocolate coffee cake without eggs and butter and frost it with the magical Dalgona coffee frosting.
Instruksi Dalgona Chocolate
- Larutkan susu bubuk dengan air putih (aku pilih susu bubuk dancow karena agak sedikit asin gurih).
- Untuk dalgona nya mixer milo bubuk, cocoa powder, gula pasir dan 5 sdm air sampai mengental dan mengembang lembut..
- Masukan es batu secukupnya ke gelas saji, tuangkan susu yang sudah di cairkan, masukan adonan coklat yang sudah di mixer secukupnya..
- Voila, dalgona chocolate siap di nikmati bersama keluarga tertjintah. Oiya, aku pilih susu bubuk d*ncow karena ada asin gurih nya, jadi kalo tercampur dengan dalgona yang manis ngga terlalu manis untuk di lupakan #eeaa 😜 dan campuran cocoa powder jadi ada pahit manis nya kehidupan. Jadi menurutku ini percampuran ini debest..😘.
I've been seeing the incredible looking Dalgona Coffee all over social media over the past few days and I decided to make a whipped chocolate drink version as coffee just doesn't agree with me. The original recipe included coffee, sugar and water which is magically whipped into a creamy topping to dollop on top of a glass of milk. Mix until fully combined and then serve over hot or cold milk. Dress it up further by drizzling with additional chocolate hazelnut spread and finely chopped hazelnuts. Today I tried making Cacao Dalgona for my brothers watch til the end so you know what my secret tip is to keep the cacao mixture afloat!