Dalgona White Coffee Super Creamy. No coffee maker or espresso machine is needed to make this tasty and deliciously strong Dalgona coffee that tastes like a super creamy latte but is so easily and quickly done, even by hand. Step-by-step photos are included as a guide. Now you know how to make a super creamy, foamy and rich Dalgona coffee at home.
Now that you know how to make a truly delicious Dalgona coffee, you can impress your family and friends!
Today iam going to share with you a new recipe of dalgona coffee.
Super creamy healthy refreshing chocolate and cold drink in hot summer.
Anda dapat memasak Dalgona White Coffee Super Creamy menggunakan 9 bahan dan 5 tahap. Inilah cara Anda memasak itu .
Bahan - Bahan Dalgona White Coffee Super Creamy
- Ini 1 bks dari luwak white cofee.
- Anda perlu 1 sachet dari millo.
- Menyiapkan 2 sdm dari air es.
- Menyiapkan 2 sdm dari gula pasir.
- Anda perlu 1/2 sdt dari SP (ku pakai Ovalet).
- Anda perlu dari Es batu.
- Menyiapkan dari Toping (sesuai selera).
- Siapkan dari Meses ceres.
- Ini dari Susu bubuk coklat (aku pakai millo).
I'm sure by now you've heard of dalgona coffee, that viral instant coffee drink that's ALL over right now. This is the matcha version: fluffy, dense, frothy, foamy matcha floating on iced milk. There are three different ways people are making dalgona matcha: with just straight matcha, with egg whites, and with whipping cream. The TikTok-famous Dalgona coffee recipe is actually super easy to make at home—and you don't even need a coffee maker.. creamy and sweet drink takes just a few steps to make and looks so, so .
Instruksi Dalgona White Coffee Super Creamy
- Tim terlebih dahulu ovalet supaya encer. Caranya masukan 1/2 sdt ovalet kedalam gelas/mangkuk (aku lebih suka pakai gelas karena nanti langsung digunakan untuk mencampurkan bahan2 jadi tidak ganti2 wadah) taruh didalam panci berisi air lalu masak sampai mencair.
- Setelah ovalet mencair lalu angkat, masukan luwak white cofee, gula pasir dan air es dalam 1 gelas. Kemudian mixer kurang lebih 5menit untuk hasil yg lebih mengembang.
- Siapkan susu millo siap minum (gpp tidak terlalu manis karna cream dalgonanya sudah cukup manis😊) masukkan es batu yg sudah dihancurkan, masukkan cream dalgona di atas susu.
- Hias dengan meses ceres dan taburi dengan bubuk susu millo (sedikit aja supaya lebih cantik)..
- Dalgona white coffee creamy siap di minum😊😊.. Selamat mencoba🌸.
Not only does it tastes super yummy, it's super easy to make and you only need three ingredients! Dalgona coffee is a beverage made by whipping equal proportions of instant coffee powder, sugar, and hot water until it becomes creamy and then adding it to cold or hot milk. Occasionally, it is topped with coffee powder, cocoa, crumbled biscuits, or honey. Super thick coffee foam can be dropped in dollops on parchment paper and frozen. Then when the urge for Dalgona coffee strikes, just pop one onto hot or cold milk!