Dalgona coffee (fiber cream). We've really been enjoying this new dalgona whipped coffee craze. We've had it over hot coffee and milk, as an iced coffee topping, and we've even put it on ice cream. We've just invented a brand new cocktail!
You will need instant coffee, sugar, hot water, Kahlua, milk, and ice cubes.
Whisk together instant coffee, sugar, and hot water until peaks are formed (You can use a hand whisk, a hand mixer, or a stand mixer).
Other Ways To Enjoy Whipped Dalgona Coffee.
Anda dapat memasak Dalgona coffee (fiber cream) menggunakan 6 bahan dan 4 tahap. Inilah cara Anda mencapai itu.
Bahan - Bahan Dalgona coffee (fiber cream)
- Menyiapkan 2 sachet dari nescafe classic.
- Anda perlu 2,5 sdm dari gula pasir.
- Menyiapkan 3 sdm dari air es.
- Anda perlu 2,5 sdm dari fiber cream.
- Menyiapkan 100-150 ml dari air hangat.
- Menyiapkan Secukupnya dari jelly fanta.
Serve on top of ice cream! It's one of my favorite treats. Dalgona Ice Cream is a new stable in our house! We love it best over vanilla ice cream.
Langkah Demi Langkah Dalgona coffee (fiber cream)
- Siapkan bahan2nya.
- Masukkan nescaffe classic, gula pasir, dan air es kedalam gelas agak tinggi..
- Gunakan satu mata mixernya lalu mixer campuran td hingga foamy.
- Seduh fiber cream dengan air hangat, masukkan ke gelas saji, beri jelly fanta yg sdh dipotong2, lalu semprotkan dalgona yg dimasukkan kedalam piping bag. Jika suka dingin maka es dimasukkan pertama kali sebelum cairan fiber creamnya, kl saya lebih sk hangat....
Add a couple of dollops of whipped coffee onto desserts, like brownies. Use it in place of whipped cream for when you would love a coffee flavored boost! The coffee started out as a viral trend in South Korea. It's called "dalgona coffee" because it resembles the texture of dalgona batter, a popular Korean toffee, according to the LA Times. Call it what you will, this crazy concoction has taken over the internet.