Churros (Spanish Doughnuts). Churros are known as Spanish Doughnuts (because they originated in Spain). Nowhere in the post did I mention that these were authentic Spanish churros. If I did, the recipe would have been properly titled, "Authentic Spanish Churro Recipe," and my post would have been entitled something similar to that, as well.
Fry until golden brown and crisp.
Be very careful here - if air bubbles form in the churros they can explode, especially if the oil overheats or you use old flour.
All you need is flour, baking powder, oil and boiling water to make the batter, then cinnamon and sugar for coating.
Anda dapat memasak Churros (Spanish Doughnuts) menggunakan 8 bahan dan 10 tahap. Inilah cara Anda mencapai itu .
Bahan dari Churros (Spanish Doughnuts)
- Anda perlu 7 sdm dari tepung terigu.
- Menyiapkan 125 ml dari air.
- Menyiapkan 1 sdm dari penuh dan munjung margarin.
- Ini Sejumput dari garam.
- Anda perlu 1 sdm dari penuh gula pasir.
- Menyiapkan 1 butir dari telur.
- Ini 1 sachet dari skm cokelat.
- Anda perlu secukupnya dari Gula halus.
Boiling water is key here - it makes the batter a unique "gummy" texture so when piped and cooked, it retains the signature ridges. There's no sugar in the batter - with the cinnamon sugar coating plus mandatory dipping sauce, you absolutely don. Australia's first producers of the Churro, our fluted sticks are lighter and fluffier than a normal doughnut, and served with a variety of rich chocolate sauces and melt in your mouth fillings - churros are the true taste of Spain - They're delicious and exciting and more than a little seductive. Combine remaining caster sugar and cinnamon in a wide shallow bowl and roll the churros.
Langkah Demi Langkah Churros (Spanish Doughnuts)
- Masak gula,air,garam, dan margarin di panci hingga mendidih dan meletup-letup..
- Matikan api,masukkan tepung terigu. Nyalakan api kembali,aduk2 sampai kalis. Matikan api. Tunggu hingga dingin. Goreng sampai berwarna kecoklatan. Angkat dan tiriskan..
- Sajikan dengan skm cokelat sebagai cocolan, dan taburan gula halus..
- Selamat mencoba 😍.
- Setelah dingin, campurkan telur. Aduk sampai tercampur..
- Masukkan adonan kedalam piping bag/kantong plastik yang sudah dilubangi salah satu ujungnya. Pasang spuit, kemudian masukkan kedalam plastik yg lain. Gunting bagian bawahnya agar adonan bisa disemprot..
- Panaskan minyak, lalu tekan piping bag sambil digerakkan agar membentuk churros..
- Goreng sampai berwarna kecoklatan. Angkat dan tiriskan..
- Sajikan di piring dengan skm cokelat sebagai cocolan. Dan gula halus sebagai taburan..
- Selamat mencoba 😍.
Churros are special South and Central American doughnut sticks. This sweet treat was adopted from Spain and often called a "Mexican doughnut." Churros are tube-shaped, unyeasted sticks of dough, piped from a star-tipped pastry bag, fried in oil, and rolled in cinnamon sugar. Using a wooden spoon, stir in flour. Spanish churros are commonly enjoyed for breakfast or the Spanish afternoon snack called the merienda. They are the Spanish equivalent of doughnuts and are sold at cafes, churros bars, and at street vendor carts.