Churros Oreo. Learn more about the cripsy, chocolate, delectable snack! Oreo churros add innovation to your menus! Oreo Churros have been on my mind since I saw that they were released a few months ago.
When I got the go ahead from Oreo and Coca-Cola I immediately got to Oreo Churro making!
Oreo fans: We finally know this year's mystery flavor.
In September, Oreo launched the cookies with a contest.
Anda dapat memasak Churros Oreo menggunakan 9 bahan dan 4 tahap. Inilah cara Anda memasak itu.
Bahan - Bahan Churros Oreo
- Ini 40 gr dari butter.
- Anda perlu 120 ml dari air.
- Ini 1 sdt dari gula pasir.
- Ini 40 gr dari oreo halus (7 keping oreo tanpa cream).
- Ini 60 gr dari tepung terigu protein sedang.
- Menyiapkan 1 butir dari telur ukuran besar.
- Ini dari Bahan Lain :.
- Anda perlu 2 sdm dari gula halus.
- Ini 1 sdt dari bubuk kayu manis.
Oreo Churro Recipe Fact: These Oreo Churros Taste Even Better Than They Look, and They Look Really Freakin' Good. Sign Up And Get The Fun Started. Churros are eaten in the morning hence A. Could it be an Oreo Churro flavour?
Instruksi Churros Oreo
- Haluskan oreo (creamnya tidk ikut dihaluskan) sisihkan. Masak butter, air dan garam sampai mendidih. Matikan api kompor, Masukkan tepung terigu dan oreo yang telah di haluskan tadi. Nyalakan api kompor lagi, aduk rata sekitar 1 menit.
- Angkat dan biarkan agak dingin(suhu ruang) masukkan telur aduk rata, masukkan kedalam piping bag yang telah dberi spuit (didalam piping bag di tekan2 juga ya teman2, supaya tambah menyatu).
- Panaskan minyak, pegang piping bag diatas minyak masukkan adonan dengan cara tekan piping bag sampai adonan keluar lalu gunting adonan, goreng sampai matang..
- Campur gula dan bubuk kayu manis, guling2 churros diatasnya, sajikan.
From Authentic Loop Churros to OREO Churros, you'll want these churros on your next menu! And then I got the idea to shape the churros like Oreo cookies! Much like the churro cookies I made for my Baked Churro Ice Cream Sandwiches. My Oreo churro cookies start with a chocolate base. I used a black cocoa powder which better imitates the color of Oreos, but you can also use a dark brown cocoa powder and your churro cookies will just.